Wednesday, July 20, 2011

#4 Is Existing Spirit Believable? or Unbelievable?

          In this world there are so many mysterious things  that happen. One of this is the existing of the souls or spirit of the dead. Is this things believable or unbelievable?
          In my own idea, this things are really true because according to my great grandparents there are some spirits who cannot go to the heaven because they died early and they we're not able to finish their mission that's why they come back here  to finish what they started.Another reason that I heard from them was they exist because they want to revenge to the people who committed sin to them.
          In our modern world today,existing spirit is really believable weather you believe in it or not.Example of this that can be a  prove that they really exist are the news in television that their are some people which their body has been used by the spirits through entering to the body of other person and controlled it.Their are person who can prove this,and that is the Psychic. They are the persons who has the ability to see and to talk to the spirits.Another persons who can justify this are the what we called as "albulario" in dialect. They are the persons who can take bad spirits away.They are commonly find in native areas or provinces like in our place,in the ISLAND OF SIQUIJOR.Many of us already see the news about this so it's not a big question because it has been proven and known to be true.

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